We guarantee you'll never look at debt
(and how you pay it) the same way again...
The problem is, on average, 30% of that number is being used by the "Fat Cats" to...
...build their Ivory Towers
...buy their Gulfstream Jets
...and to spend "Summer in the Hamptons"
You see...
On average - each and every single month, over 30% of the total amount you pay towards debt, whether that be...
Or even your mortgage is...
These financial institutions and the "Fat Cats" who run them, are compounding THEIR wealth with your money.
You see – a large chunk of the money you pay back on amortized loans – isn’t just paying back the money you owe.
It's paying a relentlessly compounding interest figure.
The longer the loan term – the more that figure grows exponentially.
Hence why – the total amount owed for a mortgage – will on average be made up with as high as 50% in JUST INTEREST PAYMENTS. It’s like paying for your house...twice!
Not really fair, is it?
And even when or IF you do manage to be clear of your debt – what happens next?
You may need to borrow money for something else.
Most Americans are simply making the minimum payments on their debt, and are using any additional money they have to...
But unless your returns from those endeavors beat (or at the minimum - match) the embedded interest rate within your debt...
Then financially – you’re still worse off...
Let’s say you theoretically have...
A combined debt total of $86,200.
And $1,457 in debt payments each month.
Do you know how much of that "$1,457" payment goes to paying JUST interest?
That figure is what’s known as your embedded interest rate.
It's the sum total of interest you pay on your combined debt.
That's what we mean, when we say – unless the returns you’re getting from any form of saving or investing is BEATING that figure (33.65%) – you'd be, financially, far better off extinguishing your debt.
Maybe you've heard about "snowballing" before – where you DO take any additional money you can afford, roll it up and start paying off your debt?
Snowballing was made popular by the world-famous personal finance personality – Dave Ramsey.
But it has ONE major flaw.
What happens when your debt is paid off?
You’re debt-free? Correct.
But what happens when you want or need a new car?
What happens when you want to move to a bigger house for your family?
Or you need to borrow money for some unforeseen emergency?
You end up, right back in debt...again.
And you’re back to paying ridiculously high interest rates...again.
That’s where Debt Free 4 Life™ comes in...
Here at Debt Free 4 Life™, we take a unique approach to "snowballing" to not only eliminate debt...
But to make sure you never end up in debt again.
Not only can we help you pay less debt – pay it off faster – but with our exclusive specially designed insurance contract – you’ll always have a nest where you can borrow from yourself and never need to take out an amortized loan again.
More money in YOUR pocket – because you'll never be subject to the relentless compounding and ridiculously high interest rates being charged by the financial institutions.
We help you flip the script and STOP paying compound interest – and start EARNING compound interest.
What’s the catch?
There is none – nor are we asking you to sign up for anything here.
The first step is simply getting clarity on where you stand.
Down below, we’ve put together a unique "embedded interest calculator" to help you truly discover how much interest you're paying on your debt.
Using the calculator below – input the prompted information about your loans:
If you don’t have the information on hand and would like to come back to this page – click the button below, input your name and email address and we’ll forward you a link to this page to come back to:
Discover How To BecomeOnce you’ve calculated your embedded interest rate - we'll forward you a free report.
In this report, we'll outline (with a Debt Free 4 Life™ Plan) how much less debt you could pay - how much faster you could pay it off - and the cash total you'll have remaining at the end.
Once you've received and reviewed your free report, you'll be given the opportunity to speak with one of our advisors to see if we can help.
On this call, we'll review your numbers with you, review your report and look at potentially implementing your very own Debt Free 4 Life™ Plan.
Use the calculator below to find out what percentage of your debts go to paying just interest.
In your area, Keefe Duterte is committed to helping more Americans become
DebtFree4Life™ and can be reached at or by email at